Biology End of Course Testing


Biology End of Course Testing (EOCT)

Dear Parent or Guardian,

Your child will soon take Georgia Biology End of Course Test (EOCT). Since 2000, all high school students in the state of Georgia are required by the Department of Education (DOE) to take end-of-course assessments in grades nine through twelve for Algebra I, Geometry, United States History, Economics (to include business and free enterprise), Biology, Physical Science, Ninth Grade Literature and Composition and American Literature and Composition.

To receive credit for these courses, the score received for the required EOCT is to be included as 15% of the overall grade for the course. Tests are typically given at two different times during the year, in December, at the end of the fall term, and in May, at the end of the spring term. Only the information, content, and skills outlined in the GPS or QCC are tested in the EOCT. The domains in the GPS and QCC offer general descriptions of the content students are expected to master in each subject.

Thomas Co. Central High School has purchased an online review website to help your child pass these tests. The school's subscription allows your son/daughter to review for the Georgia Biology EOCT at school, home, or any location with internet access. The site is operational at all times.

The website has the following resources: · Diagnostic Practice Tests · Tutorial Questions · Vocabulary Activities · Educational Review Games · Detailed Test Content Description · Email Review

Here is how to use this valuable resource:
1. Go to
2. At the top right corner, select “Member Login” and enter the school username and password
   Username: tccga
   Student Password: newton63

3. Navigate to your desired test via the pull-down menus on the top right of the page


Thank You,

Michele Baugh